For reservations, you can leave a message at 585-937-6238.  We try to return calls when able to step away from the pet guests, usually in the evenings.

You can also send a text to the facility’s mobile phone at 585-993-7693.  We can respond quickly to text messages since they don’t require a quiet environment to respond!  

Another means to request a reservation or information is by sending an email to

When you contact us please provide your name, the dates you are interested in reserving, and the breed and age of your pet. 

We do not have set open/closed hours of operation.  We will ask what time you would like to drop off or pick up.  We try to accommodate your plans.  We do stagger arrivals and departures to allow for sharing information about your pets or about their stay.  Also, we prefer having one pet family in the parking lot at a time to avoid any unexpected pet interactions.  If you do arrive and find other pets being handled, we ask you to keep your pet family in your vehicle until the other family departs the parking lot.